Results for "B"

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  Title Copies
Buying Letterpress Papers and Boards 
Year: 1956 
Call No: 040.02 BUY 
Buying Lithographic Papers and Boards 
Year: 1956 
Call No: 100.02 BUY 
Beginners Guide to Design in Printing 
Edition: Fourth 
Year: 1973 
Call No: 060.123 LUK 
Bookbinder and Print Finisher: Craft Practice and Theory, Years 1-3 (Draft) 
Year: 1985 
Call No: 120.01 ANC 
Bookbinding in Great Britain: Sixteenth to the Twentieth Century (Catalogue 893/1400), Spring 1964) 
Edition: First 
Year: 1964 
Call No: 120.130107 MAG 
British Journalists and Newspapers 
Year: 1945 
Call No: 130.08 HUD 
Bookbinding and Book Production 
Year: 1952 
Books and Reading 
Year: 1969 
Call No: 150.13 MAN 
Book of Information: The Monotype Corporate Limited 
Year: 1970 
Call No: 030.132 MON 
Book of Monotype Ornaments, A 
Year: 1928 
Call No: 030.125 LAN