Title |
Authors/Editors |
Publisher |
Type |
Copies |
Elkin Mathews: Publisher to Yeats, Joyce, Pound
The University of Wisconsin Press |
Books |
1 |
Elizabeth : Roman and Italic
Soldans Limited, London |
Books |
1 |
Elisabeth: Antiqua und Kursiv
Bauersche Giesserei, Frankfurt am Main |
Books |
1 |
Elisabeth : Antiqua und Kursiv
Bauerschen Giesserei, Frankfurt |
Books |
1 |
Elementary typography : prepared for the use of elementary students of Typography
Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons |
Books |
1 |
Electronic Typesetting: A quarter center of technological upheaval
The Paradigm Press |
Books |
1 |
Eire: Commision on Vocational Organisation Report 1943
The Stationery Office Dublin |
Books |
1 |
Eire-Ireland: Fall, 1992 (Vol. XXVII, Number 3)
The Irish American Cultural Institute
Minnesota (1992)
Paperback, 144 pages |
Books |
1 |
Eire Bliainiris Ghaedhal: Rogha Saothair Ghaedhal mBeó
Clódóirí, Áth Cliath : Ár n-a Fhoillsiú ag Muinntear Chathail Teo |
Books |
1 |
Eine Unziale Nach Zeichnung von Victor Hammer
Klingspor, Offenbach A.M. |
Books |
1 |