Results for "B"

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  Title Copies
Bookbinding in Great Britain: Sixteenth to the Twentieth Century (Catalogue 893/1400), Spring 1964) 
Edition: First 
Year: 1964 
Call No: 120.130107 MAG 
Best of European Design and Advertising (Sixth edition, 1997) 
Year: 2003 
Call No: 190.020203 BRE 
British imperialism in East Africa / prepared by the Labour Research Department 
Year: 1926 
Call No: 230.P12 LAB 
Brief History of Cle, A: 1970-1995 
Call No: 210.061 FAR 
Big Maggie (programme) 
Big Maggie 
Book of parts of Monotype Super Caster 
Call No: 030.1314 
Bookbinders' Consolidated Union Trade Circular 
Year: 1860 
Call No: No.24 - Vol. II 
Banking Service in Ireland 
Year: 1835 
Buried Child 
Year: 1981