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  Title Copies
Year: 1928 
Call No: 170.02 BRE 
Books and Reading 
Year: 1969 
Call No: 150.13 MAN 
Bookbinding and Book Production 
Year: 1952 
Book Design and Production (Edited by James Moran) 
Year: 1958 
Call No: 210.13158 MOR 
Book Collector, The: A special number to commemorate the 150th anniversary of Bernard Quaritch Limited. 
Year: 1997 
Call No: 180.021 BAR 
Fundamentals of Packaging 
Year: 1962 
Call No: 150.09 INI 
Blackie & Son, 1809-1959 : A short history of the firm 
Year: 1959 
Call No: 170.02 BLA 
Authors' & Printers' Dictionary (An Attempt to Codify the Best Typographical Practices of the Present Day) 
Edition: Fifth 
Year: 1921 
Call No: 150.035 COL 
Authors, Publishers and Politicians the Quest for an Anglo-American Copyright Ag 
Year: 1974 
Call No: 180.02 BAR 
As Reported in the Herald 
Year: 1982 
Call No: 130.03 CON Held in oversize books