New Arrivals

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  Title Copies
The L&M News: September 1935: v. VIII, n. 12 
Year: 1935 
Call No: 020.N12 LMN 
Mechanical Typesetting (Printing Theory and Practice, 3) 
Year: 1947 
Call No: 050.S161 PIT  
Edition: First 
Year: 1967 
Call No: 100.03 CHA 
DRUPA 1962 Düsseldorf, 5 - 18 Mai: Internationale Messe Druck un Papier (Offizieller Messekatalos) 
Year: 1962 
Call No: 050.14 NOR 
The society of London bookbinders, 1780-1951 (British trade union history collection) 
Year: 1952 
Call No: 210.08 HOW 
Mary Makebelieve 
Year: 1982 
Medieval Dublin XI: Proceedings of the Friends of Medieval Dublin Symposium, 2009 
Year: 2009 
Call No: 460.P04 DUF 
Members Circular: Official Journal of the British Federation of Master Printers: June 1934, v. 33, n. 6 
Year: 1934 
Tarry Flynn 
Evening Mail, No. 32, 834 
Edition: No. 32, 834 
Year: 1951 
Series: Evening Mail