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Name Address Country Item(s) Action
Society of British Ink Manufacturers Softcover, 144 pages Printed by Whefter and Sons ltd.      Browse Items 
Chr. Hostmann-Steinberg's Printing Ink Works Celle (Germany) Paperback, 123 pages      Browse Items 
Irish Management Institutue Dublin (1966) Hardcover, 422 pages      Browse Items 
MacDonald & Evans London (1942) Hardcover, 241 pages      Browse Items 
Irish Tourist Association Dublin (1956) Hardcover Printed by Hely's Limited      Browse Items 
Vol 1. No. 1      Browse Items 
Fits Knuf Vendonne (2000) Paperback, 68 pages      Browse Items 
PERCY LUND HUMPHRIES (1911)      Browse Items 
Printing Industries of America Incorporated USA (1976) Softcover, 44 PAGES      Browse Items 
Vol. 50 No. 2578      Browse Items 
Government Publications Sales Office Dublin (1989) Paperback, 157 pages      Browse Items 
Vol. XLII No.13533      Browse Items 
Dublin Typographical Provident Society Dublin 1950 Hardback, 145 pages      Browse Items 
William Millers and Sons LImited Dublin Paperback Printed by S.J. Bigger Limited      Browse Items 
Vol. 59. No. 204      Browse Items 
London, A. W. Penrose (1908), Edition: Vol XIII only      Browse Items 
The Mews Paperback,Ringbound      Browse Items 
Intereurope (1973), Edition: Reprint      Browse Items 
National Economic Development Office London (1970) Softcover, 60 pages      Browse Items