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Name Address Country Item(s) Action
Druck und Verlag GMBH., Berlin      Browse Items 
Heinze & Blankertz, Berlin      Browse Items 
William Morris Society London (1989) Paperback, 32 pages Printed by the White Dove Press      Browse Items 
Frenzel & Engelbrecher, Berlin      Browse Items 
The Association of Makers of Esparto Paper Edinburgh (1956), Hardcover      Browse Items 
London, Longmans, Green and Co Ltd.      Browse Items 
A.W. Penrose & Co., Ltd., London      Browse Items 
London, British Federation of Master Printers.      Browse Items 
Stephenson, Blake & Co. Ltd.      Browse Items 
The London School of Printing and Kindred Trades, London      Browse Items 
De Montfort Press (1921), Softcover, 38 pages      Browse Items 
Lanston Monotype Corporation Limited, London      Browse Items 
Sir I. Pitman London (1946) Hardcover, 231 pages Printed by The Camelot Press Ltd.      Browse Items 
Raithby, Lawrence & Co. Ltd., London      Browse Items 
J. Whitaker (1933), Paperback, 72 pages Printed by Unwin Bros.      Browse Items 
Raithby, Lawrence & Co., Ltd., London      Browse Items 
UNIV OF PAPRESS (1957) Hardcover, 182 pages Printed by American-Book Stratford Press      Browse Items 
PITMAN London (1947) Hardcover, 224 pages Printed by The Camelot Press Ltd.      Browse Items 
Dublin, Ireland, National Print Museum. Printed by Future Print.      Browse Items 
International Association of Printing House Craftsmen USA (1968), Hardback, 47 pages      Browse Items