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Name Address Country Item(s) Action
Linotype and Machinery Ltd (1951), Edition: First Edition, Hardcover, 232 pages      Browse Items 
WPM-Kymene Corportation Finland, 2001 Hardback, 95 pages      Browse Items 
Society of British Ink Manufacturers      Browse Items 
Heintze & Blanckertz, Berlin      Browse Items 
National Print Museum Dublin, Softcover, 96 pages      Browse Items 
Amsterdam, Netherlands      Browse Items 
National Association of Paper Merchants London (1955) Hardback, 324 pages      Browse Items 
Oxford: A.C. Nielsen Company Ltd.      Browse Items 
Faber and Faber London (1977), Paperback, 120 pages Printed by Redwood Burn Ltd.      Browse Items 
Middlesex: Adana (Printing Machines) Ltd.      Browse Items 
Ault & Wiborg Limited, London.      Browse Items 
Captain T.M. MacGlinchey Ireland (1969) Hardcover, 70 pages      Browse Items 
Birmingham: British Pens Limited.      Browse Items 
Stationary Office, Dublin.      Browse Items 
Syndies London (1972), Hardback, 95 pages Printed by Cambridge press      Browse Items 
The Brunswick Press Dublin Softcover      Browse Items 
Adana Organisation      Browse Items 
Brown and Nolan Printers, Ltd., Printers, Dublin      Browse Items 
The Printing and Allied Trades Employers' Federation of Australia      Browse Items 
Irish Printer, 2011-2013      Browse Items